This app is amazing for viewing websites in desktop mode and having them respond the way they would on your home PC, for filling out online forms and viewing/webpages and videos etc. The only issue I have, there are a few websites which require you to disable ad blockers in order to use content. In the past Ive been able to use puffin browser successfully for these webpages. I dont know if something changed but lately I get the same alert notification on puffin browser as I do with Safari and chrome; basically the webpage tells me I have ad blocker active and I am unable to view content. This happens even when I toggle the "pop up block" to OFF-mode in the settings. If theres anyway you guys could add support so we can completely remove pop up and add blockers from running that would be amazing. If not its still a great app but I would definitely bump it up to five stars for that feature.
Wersky about Puffin Browser Pro